I.F.A. » Speakers/Authors
Prof. Nijolė Savickiene
Citizenship: Lithuanian
Education and professional experience: Graduated 1985 at Faculty of Pharmacy, Kaunas Institute of Medicine, Lithuania. PhD in Biomedicine in 1994 at Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuania. Since 1994 lecturer at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, Kaunas University of Medicine.
Current position: Professor at the Department of Pharmacognosy, Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.
Research and Professional Experience:
- 1992 (3 Months) scientific internship in Sweden at Balsgard Institute of selection and genetics of plants.
- 1993 (3 months) scientific internship in Sweden at Balsgard Institute of selection and genetics of plants.
- 1994 (1 month) courses of Phytotherapy in Kiev at Postgraduate institute for doctors and pharmacists (Ukraine).
Research interests:
- Investigations in vitro and in vivo of the new biologic active substances in plants and preparations;
- Investigations of plant lectins: extraction, biological activity;
- In vivo study of antioxidant activity of plant raw material and preparations with polyphenols;
- Member of the Council of Faculty Pharmacy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences;
- Member of Lithuanian Ministry of Health Commission for compensation of medicines and medical aids;
- Member of Lithuanian pharmacists association Council;
- Member of A.Kaikaris relief and charity Council;
- Member of Lithuanian Apitherapy Society;
Languages: Lithuanian (mother-tongue), German, Russian, English;