I.F.A. » Speakers/Authors
1. Name, surname Jurgita Daukšienė
2. Contacts jurgita.dauksiene@gmail.com
A.Sukileliu 70, Kaunas LT-44244, Lithuania
3. Education University
Kaunas Medical University Master degree in Pharmacy, Pharmacist 1997-2002
Kaunas University of Technology Economics basic course for master degree 2004
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (former Kaunas Medical University) PhD, biomedical sciences 2010
4. Pedagogical/scientific
Lecturer University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Drug technology and social pharmacy department 2010
5. Work experience
Lecturer Kaunas Medical University, Drug technology and social pharmacy department work with students on „Social pharmacy“, „Pharmaceutical care“ and seminars in elective subjects of pharmaceutical economics „Organization of pharmaceutical economic work in the pharmacies“; „Microeconomics and management in pharmacy“; „ Economics in
pharmacy“; „Pharmacy Practise“. „Scientific research practise“. 2002-now
Pharmacist, manager Pharmacy „Gaira vaistinė“ 1999-2004
6. Major scientific publications Present up to 5 monographs, scientific papers for 5 recent years
Doctoral theses. Daukšienė J. Visuomenės vaistinės pacientų gaunamos farmacinės ir sveikatinimo informacijos tyrimas ir vertinimas. Kaunas, 2010. 121 p.
Daukšienė J, Radžiūnas R. Nonadherence to medications among pharmacy clients and their attitude toward medications kept a medicine cabinet at home. Medicina. 2009, t. 45, Nr. 12. ISSN 1010- 660X p. 1013-1018
Daukšienė J, Radžiūnas R, Grincevičius J. Pacientų iš gydytojo ir vaistininko gaunama su vaistais susijusi informacija. Sveikatos mokslai=Health sciences. 2009, t. 19, Nr. 5(65). ISSN 1392-6373 p. 2485-2488.
Daukšienė J, Radžiūnas R. Providing the blood pressure measurement services in Kaunas community pharmacies and consultation of the patients with high blood pressure level. Pharmacy world & science : Abstracts of the PCNE 7th Working Conference. ISSN 0928-1231 2009, vol. 31, no. 4. p. 497, no. PP5.
Daukšienė J, Radžiūnas R. Analysis and evaluation of the medicine and health information received by the community pharmacy patients. The International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy Practice dedicated to 225th Anniversary of Pharmaceutical education in Lithuania in connection with 25th Congress of Lithuanian p. 64-66.
Trumbeckaite S, Dauksiene J, Bernatoniene J, Janulis V. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Usage of Apitherapy for Disease Prevention and Treatment among Undergraduate Pharmacy Students in Lithuania. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2015 Nov 30;2015.
Volmer D, Sokirskaja A, Laaksonen, Kirsti Vainio, Sandler N, Halvorsen KH, Kjome R, Gizurarson S, Muceniece R, Maurina B, Dauksiene J, Ruuben L, Bjornsdotttir I, Heinamaki J. Medical technology education for pharmacy students and practicing pharmacist in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Nordic Social Pharmacy and Health Service Research Conference and The Nordic networking Group of Clinical Pharmacy: Innovative, Integrated and Individualizes Care. June 3-5, 2015 Tartu Estonia.