I.F.A. » Speakers/Authors
Citizenship: Lithuanian
Education and professional experience: 1979, internal diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Kaunas Institute of Medicine, Lithuania
Sci. degree: PhD in Medicine Sciences in 1995, Vilnius University;
Dr. of Sci. in Medicine in 2015, the Highest International Inter-academy Expert Commission.
Current position: physician, Centre of Rehabilitation, Sport and Physical Medicine, Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu klinikos, Lithuania. Researcher, Departament of Innovative Technologies, State Scientific Research Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Research and Professional Experience: the highest cathegory in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the highest cathegory in Health Care Organisation, the 1-st cathegory in Internal Medicine. At 1-st time in Lithuania - 2 scientific degrees in Apitherapy and Apiprophylaxis. Over 200 specialisations, studies, ect. Over 50 scientific presentations in Lithuania and abroad. Over 120 scientific articles and publications. Since 2008 participates in international scientific projects. Co-author of 2 rationalisator proposals for introduction of apitherapy in treatment and rehabilitation complexes, author and co-author of 4 methodical recommendations (Apitherapy and Complex Rehabilitation). During a period of 16 years, prepared a complex system of api-education and information for different contingents of Lithuania population. Since 2013, started introduce a system of api-consulting for Lithuanian beekeepers.
Research interests: clinical and experimental studies of activities of bee products and preparations from Lithuanian bee products, changes of markers of different links of human metabolism under impact of native bio-modulators, clinical and experimental studies of processes of normalisation of alterated indices of lipid peroxidation and antioxidative system under impact of technogenous contamination, preparation of complex systems of rehabilitation and prophylaxis ect.
Member of International Association of Complemenraty Medicine, Board member of Lithuanian Association of Apitherapists, sci. consultant of International sci. publ. "Sveikatos mokslai" (Health Sciences) and "Lietuvos bitininkas" (Lithuanian Beekeeper). Sci. consultant of Council of Complementary Medicine of Health Ministery of Lithuania.
Languages: main - Lithuanian, English, Russian, others - Polish, Latvian, Italian.