Dear colleagues from all over the World!
We would like cordially invite you to Lithuania, the wonderful country located on the beautiful Baltic sea coast, to attend our Second Congress of the International Federation of Apitherapy having as main theme „Apitherapy and Bee Products: Problems and Challenges”. Conferences, Expo will be held on September 23-24, 2016 in the Business Leader Center (BLC) , (5th floor) Conference Room “Didžioji”, Donelaičio str. 62, Kaunas. Workshops and Tours will be held on September 25-26, 2016 in the Hotel BEST BALTIC Kaunas (former hotel "Daniela") Diamond Conference hall, A. Mickevičiaus str. 28, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas (the second-largest city in Lithuania, located in the central part of the country and surrounded by the two largest rivers of Lithuania, the Nemunas and the Neris) is the centre of Lithuanian academic, and cultural life and the most student-centered city in Lithuania. Museums and galleries in Kaunas embrace rich collections of art, paintings of the most known Lithuanian painter M. K. Čiurlionis. It is for a reason that Kaunas is hailed the Lithuanian capital of basketball, with its legendary sports hall where a number of historic European Basketball Championships were held. You can register to our event by following the guidelines mentioned here below:http://www.apiterapija.eu/i-f-a--33/EN/
Please feel free to inform us if you have any questions or requests. The official languages of the Congress is English, but questions and/or comments in Lithuanian, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian and Romanian are also welcomed.
We look forward to seeing you in Lithuania, a country where the bees, beekeeping and apitherapy plays a significant role. Please do your best to come and thus meet the best Lithuanian apitherapists, beekeepers and api-friends from all over the world sharing their best knowledge on apitherapy.
Sincerely Yours,
Prof. MD Jurate Jankauskiene (President of Lithuanian Apitherapy Society)
Dr. Andreas Castillo (President of the International Federation of Apitherapy)
Dr. Stefan Stangaciu (General Secretary of the International Federation of Apitherapy)
Prof. MD Jurate Jankauskiene Dr. Andreas Castillo Dr. Stefan Stangaciu
The Second Congress, Expo and Workshops of the International Federation of Apitherapy
Changes International Federation of Apitherapy (IFA) conference and workshop venue
Please be advised that the conference location (on September 23-24.) is transferred to the Business Leader Center (BLC) , (5th floor) Conference Room “Didžioji”, Donelaičio str. 62, Kaunas.
Workshop place (on 25 September, Sunday) is transferred to the Hotel BEST BALTIC Kaunas (former hotel "Daniela") Diamond Conference hall, A. Mickevičiaus str. 28, Kaunas
September 23-25, 2016 (Conferences, Expo and Workshops)
September 26, 2016 Post - Congress Tour
Main theme of the Congress:
„Apitherapy and Bee Products: Problems and Challenges”
Venue: Business Leader Center (BLC), Conference Room “Didžioji”, Donelaičio str. 62, Kaunas
Organizing committee (national): Organizing committee (international)
MD, Prof. Jurate Jankauskiene Dr. Andres Castillo Montenegro (Ecuador)
Pharm. Prof. Sonata Trumbeckaitė Dr. Stefan Stangaciu (Romania)
Pharm. Assoc. Prof. Jurgita Dauksiene
Sigitas Vasiliauskas Workshop organizing commitee (national)
Donatas Vasiliauskas MD. Prof. Jurate Jankauskiene
Povilas Rimkus Dr. sci. med. MD D. Stasytyte-Buneviciene
Vilma Stankute Biol. Sigitas Vasiliauskas
Biol. Donatas Vasiliauskas
Scientific Committee (national)
MD, Prof. Jurate Jankauskie International Workshop organizing commitee
Dr.sci.med.,MD. Dalia Stasytyte-Buneviciene Dr. Andres Castillo Montenegro
MD, Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Baltuskevicius Dr. Stefan Stangaciu
Pharm. Prof. Antanas Gendrolis
Pharm. Prof. Sonata Trumbeckaite
Important Dates:
15 June 2016: deadline for abstract submission
01 July 2016: deadline for full papers submission.
15 July 2016: deadline for Power Point Presentations submission.
16 September 2016: deadline for early registration fee
Call for Abstracts
The scientific committee is pleased to invite you to submit your abstracts to us. The call for abstracts will close on 15 th of June, 2016. Please prepare your abstract in Word format and sent it as attachment to the following e-mail addresses: ifa@apiterapija.eu cc: drstangaciu@gmail.com Please send the abstract from the e-mail address to which notification of acceptance may be sent.
Abstract Topic: Please choose the most relevant abstract topic from the main themes of congress:
- Medicinal Bee Plants
- Bee Biology
- Bio-Pharmacological Properties of Bee Products and their Compounds
- Bee Products in Clinical Practice
- Apitherapy in Preventive Medicine
Guidelines for Abstract
Abstracts must be submitted in English using Times New Roman, Font size 12 point, single-spaced. Margin: top (3 cm), bottom (3 cm), left (2 cm), right (2 cm).
Title (in bold): must not exceed 200 characters. No abbreviations are allowed in the title.
Authors and Institutions: These should appear below the title, with the first or middle name of each author given in full. The institutions/laboratories/clinics where the work was carried out should be given below the authors' names. Main corresponding author's name should be underlined. E-mail address must be given for corresponding author.
Abstract Body: Abstract should consist of the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion, Keywords (max 5 keywords). The abstract must follow this content and order. Please make sure to start a new paragraph for each section.
a.Capacity of the Abstract body – no more than 2000 characters (no spaces);
b.Please use standard abbreviations for units of measure; other abbreviations must be spelled out in full at the first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis;
c.Tables, charts, photos or other figures are not permitted in the abstract.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the reviewers selected by the organizing committee.
The final decision (for oral presentation) will be taken only after you will submit us your abstract, your full paper and your PowerPoint. If approved, your abstracts, your full article and PowerPoint/PDF presentations will be included in the Congress-CD that will be given to the participants.
Abstract and full paper acceptance notifications will be sent until 15 of July, 2016.
Power Point presentations acceptance notifications will be sent until 20 of August, 2016.
Preliminary Program
THURSDAY, 22 September, 2016 Arrival of participants
FRIDAY, 23 September, 2016
08:00 - 10:00 Registration of participants
10:00 - 10:45 Official Opening of Api-Expo 2016
11:00 - 12:00 Congress official opening.
12:00 - 12:30 Apitherapy in Preventive Medicine
13:30-15:00 Lunch break
14:30-16:00 Bio-pharmacological Properties of Bee Products and their Bio-active Compounds
16:30 - 17:00 Honey-Tea Break
16:30 - 18:00 Bee Products in Clinical Practice (Part I)
18:00 – 19:30 General Assembly of the International Federation of Apitherapy.
20:00 Festive dinner (in the Hotel BEST BALTIC Kaunas (former hotel "Daniela") restaurant, A. Mickevičiaus str. 28, Kaunas, Lithuania)
SATURDAY, 24 September
09:00 - 11:00 Medicinal Bee Plants and Beehive products
11:00-11:30 Honey-Tea Break
11:30-13:30 Bee Products in Clinical Practice (Part II)
13:00 - 15:00 Lunch break
14:30 - 17:00 Apitherapy in different countries: History, Experience and Education (Part I)
17:00 - 17:30 Honey-Tea Break
17:30 -18:30 Apitherapy in different countries: History, Experience and Education (Part II).
18:30 – 19:00 Round Table with open discussions between the speakers and the participants
19:00 - 19:30 Congress conclusions and Closing Ceremony
Program in PDF is here
Speakers/Authors of the 2-Nd. IFA Congress
Lithuanian Speakers/Authors
- Prof. Jankauskiene Jurate
- Prof. Antanas Gendrolis
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baltuškevičius Algirdas
- Prof. Sonata Trumbeckaite
- Prof. Nijolė Savickienė
- Dr. Pharm. Zilius Modestas
- Dr. Dalia Jarusaitiene
- PhD Dalia Stasytyte - Buneviciene
- Dr. Lukas Mackevicius
- PhD Jurgita Daukšienė
International Speakers/Authors
- Dr. Andres Castillo Montenegro (Ecuador)
- Prof. José Maurício Sforcin (Brazil)
- Dr. Stefan Stangaciu (Romania)
- Prof. Mehmet Tanyuksel (Turkey)
- Dr Rafael Felitti (Uruguay)
- PhD Zbuchea Andrei (Romania)
- Pushpendra Singh Bandari (India)
SUNDAY, 25 September (from 09:00 to 18:00 h.)
Apitherapy and Apipuncture Workshop in the daily practice
Main themes
- Bee venom therapy, Apipuncture und Micro-Apipuncture
- How to avoid and treat allergies to beehive products, including to bee venom
- 10 methods to use bee venom without killing the bees
- Soft, medium and hard bee venom therapy techniques
- Honey detox massage
- Apitherapy preparations
- Honey dressings for burns and other types of wounds
- Bee products in ophthalmology
- Best methods to make soaps with beehive products
09:00 - 13:00 Apitherapy Workshop (Part I):
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 - 18:00 Apitherapy Workshop (Part II):
Program of workshop in PDF is here
25 September – Post-Congress mini-Tour
5 Euro/person
Optional, for those who will not attend the workshop, like family members of participants.
Guided Tour of Kaunas Old Town (walking, about 3 hours). Group will be formed non less than 10 participant.
The details on this tour will be announced here as soon as possible.
26 September – Post-Congress Tour
55 Euro/person
Tour to Trakai
1 step. Wilara is one of the leading apiculture enterprises in Lithuania, having plentiful beekeeping product offer and the largest store in the Baltic states.
2 step. Lietuviškas midus („Lithuanian mead“), JSC organises excursions, tasting sessions (of mead) and cold snacs for its guests. We cordially invite you to visit the recently renovated 19th century malt drying tower of the former Gintaras brewery, where a new mead museum has been set up.
You will have the opportunity to hear the stories of how mead came into being and how it i sproduced, as well as to see the crockery from which mead was consumed back in the olden days. At the museum, you will be able to take a stroll through all of the floors of the tower and to look at the authentic extant spaces and equipment. During the excursions, you will be shown how Lithuanian mead is made today. If possible, you will also be granted the opportunity to visit the mead cellars, where the beverages are ripened. We value your opinion. Therefore, once the excursion is complete, we will be offering you a sample of some of our beverages and will introduce you to mead drinking traditions. During the tasting session, you will be able to evaluate how the different beverages taste and to share your thoughts on them.
3 step. Public institution Trakai Employment Center for People with Disabilities (beekeeper Juozas Norikevičius). Their vision – to provide social services and ensure fully fledged environment for people with disabilities for integration into the labor market, as a guarantee of the quality of life.
4 step. The lunch in the Trakai Karališkoji Senoji Kibinine („Trakai Royal Old Kibinine“)
5 step. The visit of Trakai Castel. Trakai Island Castle (Lithuanian: Trakų salos pilis) is an island castle located in Trakai, Lithuania on an island in Lake Galvė. The construction of the stone castle has begun in the 14th century by Kęstutis, and around 1409 major works were completed by his son Vytautas the Great, who died in this castle in 1430. Trakai was one of the main centres of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the castle held great strategic importance.
Registration form to conference is here
Registration form to Api-Expo is here
Please send all your filled registration forms to: ifa@apiterapija.eu
Bank transfer can be done only after your registration to our event is confirmed by us.
The registrations fee should be paid only in Euros (€).
Details you need in order to make your payment to the Lithuania Apitherapy Society's bank account:
Beneficiary: "Lietuvos apiterapeutų asociacija"
Fiscal code (CIF): 190910610
Beneficiary address: Žarijų 2B, LT-02300, Vilnius
Beneficiary Bank: SWEDBANK AB
Bank address: Konstitucijos pr. 20A, LT-03502 Vilnius, Lithuania, Tel. +370 5 268 44 44, faks. (+370 5) 258 2700
Swift Code (live BIC): HABALT22
IBAN Code: LT817300010002264906 (Eur)
Money transfer purpose: *
* - Please mention here the technical details of your payment like wire transfer number ...... / date .............. / name of the person/institution paying your Congress entry fee / Apiexpo fee: ................................for (name of participant/ name of firm/company):....................................
Accomodation in Kaunas
To make hotel room reservation, we recommend you to choose BEST WESTERN “Santakos Hotel” or BEST BALTIC „Kaunas Hotel“, and fill up the attached form.
Reservation form BEST WESTERN “Santakos Hotel”
Reservation form BEST BALTIC „Kaunas Hotel“
Hotels contact information you will find in hotel reservation forms. This reservation is needed to identify you as participant of IFA Congress.
Filled form please send directly to hotel.
How to reach BEST WESTERN “Santakos hotel”
from Kaunas airport here
from Vilnius airport here
How to reach “Best Baltic Kaunas” hotel, ex. “Daniela” hotel
from Kaunas airport here
from Vilnius airport here
How to reach the Business Leader Center (BLC)
from BEST WESTERN “Santakos hotel” here
from “Best Baltic Kaunas” hotel here
Official language. The congress will be held in English, but questions and comments can be made in other languages too like Russian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian.
All information about this congress you can find also in:
If you have any questions, please contact us to: ifa@apiterapija.eu