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We are glad to present you a new book written by lithuanian apitherapist Antanas Gendrolis "PROPOLIS. NATURAL MEDICINE". This book can be found in amazon.com
Short descriptioin by author:
"The book reveals many wonderful bee product - propolis secrets. It identifies the physical, chemical and biological and pharmacological properties of propolis, highlights the usefulness of the human body. It - the strongest natural antibiotic and antioxidant. Destroying microorganisms it significantly reduces or even eliminates the inflammation and pain by killing viruses and fungi - accelerates tissue regeneration, strengthens the human immune system. Propolis preparations increases bile secretion, improves liver function, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, a calming effect on the nervous system, slows down the body's aging. Therefore, recent propolis preparations are increasingly used in cancer, cardiovascular, ophthalmic, gastrointestinal, infectious diseases and many other treatment and prevention. Propolis agents are used not only in medicine but also in veterinary medicine and in cosmetics. All amazing and hitherto little-known magical natural natural product - propolis properties are discussed in detail in the first widely distributed globally delivered by prof. A. Gendrolis monograph “Propolis. Natural medicine”. Bee product propolis - a reliable contributor in the fight for human health and long life. Be healthy - this is to be happy. And it's real."

We invite all apitherapy enthusiasts to meet in Trakai, 20th of May, at Trakai Public Institution of People With Disabilities Center (Vilniaus str., 15B, Trakai), at 10am. This time all guests will be hosted by chairperson of Lithuanian Beekeepers Society and head of People With Disabilities Center Juozas Norinkevičius. The meeting plan includes some scietific presentation about apitherapy, education program and excursion in People With Disabilities Center and a trip to Juozas' ecologic apiary near Trakai.
Let's celebrate a spring together and do not miss the chance to taste the very first honey from the honey comb!